Storing Information on a Computer Computer Programs Computer Programs Storing Information on a Computer Storing Information on a Computer Computer Programs->Storing Information on a Computer Making Operations on Data Making Operations on Data Computer Programs->Making Operations on Data Storing Songs Storing Songs Storing Information on a Computer->Storing Songs Storing Images Storing Images Storing Information on a Computer->Storing Images Storing Characters Storing Characters Storing Information on a Computer->Storing Characters Storing Numbers Storing Numbers Storing Information on a Computer->Storing Numbers Computer Memories Computer Memories Storing Information on a Computer->Computer Memories ASCII ASCII Storing Characters->ASCII UTF UTF Storing Characters->UTF Data Types Data Types Storing Numbers->Data Types Number Encodings Number Encodings Storing Numbers->Number Encodings Hard Drives Hard Drives Computer Memories->Hard Drives Random Access Memories Random Access Memories Computer Memories->Random Access Memories Processor Cache Memories Processor Cache Memories Computer Memories->Processor Cache Memories

September 28, 2020

Storing Information on a Computer

How do we store information on a computer?

Computer programs need to store and get access information on computer memories. But how exactly does that happen? What are the mechanisms behind data storage on a computer?

Computer Memories

What is a computer memory? From what is it made? How does it work?

Storing Numbers

A computer is a calculator. But how exactly does it store numbers? Negative number? Real numbers?

Storing All Types of Information

On a computer, we can do a lot more than just calculations. Reading and writing texts, images, videos and audios. How does it work?